80 years company history

Tradition & Permanence

Since the foundation of the smelting plant Schmid-Hütte in 1939 by Dipl. Ing. August Schmid-Schmidsfelden, the owners and the structures of the works have changed over the decades.

Unchanged is the leading role of the enterprise as a safe employer in the region as well as the permanence and reliability towards clients and partners.

In 2019, the company MFL celebrated the 25th anniversary since the foundation of Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Gießerei Ges.m.b.H.

80 years of tradition and experience form a solid foundation for the future.

Embark on a journey through time with us

Foundation of the smelting plant Schmid-Hütte by Dipl.-Ing. August Schmid-Schmidsfelden
1939 Arrow
1946 Arrow
Hütte Liezen
Hütte Liezen became the property of the Republic of Austria
Takeover by Voest AG under the management of Director-General Dipl.-Ing. Walter Hitzinger
1954 Arrow
1973 Arrow
Integration of Alpine Montan AG into Voest
Subsidiary company of Voest-Alpine
1987 Arrow
1989 Arrow
Maschinenfabrik Liezen GmbH
100% subsidiary company of Voest-Alpine
Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Gießerei Ges.m.b.H. Takeover by the present owners. Haider Group (67%), KR Mag. Heinrich Obernhuber (20%), Krünes Consulting GmbH (13%)
1994 Arrow
1995 Arrow
Acquisition of companies specialising in mechanical engineering and plant engineering and formation of the MFL Group
20th company anniversary Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Gießerei Ges.m.b.H.
2014 Arrow
2019 Arrow
Double Anniversary
25th company anniversary Maschinenfabrik Liezen und
Gießerei Ges.m.b.H. & 80 years
of company existence